Are you proactive or reactive?

What is your work style? Are you reactive proactive? For many years, simply following orders and doing what you’re told was enough. You could build a career around it. But not any more.

In times of rapid, discontinuous change, it’s the workers with an entrepreneurial mindset who will get ahead.  Think about where you stand for each of these key attributes. Pay special attention to the last one, employability – because it’s the sum total of all of the attributes above it in this infographic. If your qualities place you clearly in the reactive column, then you’re simply not as employable as someone with a passionte, proactive mindset.

Seth Godin, in his excellent book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?, said it best:

“During times of change, the very last people you need on your team are well-paid bureaucrats, note takers, literalists, manual readers, TGIF laborers, map followers, and fearful employees. The compliant masses don’t help so much when you don’t know what to do next.

“What we want, what we need, what we must have are indispensable human beings. We need original thinkers, provocateurs, and people who care. We need marketers who can lead, salespeople able to risk making a human connection, passionate change makers willing to be shunned if it is necessary for them to make a point. Every organization needs a linchpin, the one person who can bring it together and make a difference.”

If you’re reactive, it’s time to change – especially if you want to increase the odds of keeping your current job and advancing your career!. You CAN be a linchpin! You CAN make a bigger impact in your work. Don’t wait around for things to happen to you. Make things happen!

My book, Up Your Impact: 52 Powerful Ideas to Get Noticed, Get Promoted and Become Indispensable at Work, will show you how.

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