10 extraordinary insights about creativity from John Cleese
John Cleese reflects on the early days of his career, and how he discovered the remarkable power of his subconscious mind to enhance his creativity.
Albert Einstein’s simple ass-kicking formula for success
Albert Einstein said that the problems we face cannot be solved at the level of thinking we were at when we created them. Most of us who hear that quote…
How the Conjure Your Creativity card deck helps jump-start your muse
Do you ever get stuck coming up with creative ideas? The Conjure Your Creativity tips card deck from Unstuck.com can help you diagnose what the problem is, reveal tips and…
Creativity: 10 ways to profit from serendipity
Serendipity can often be a pathway to creative breakthroughs. Here are 10 powerful ways to summon it on demand - and increase your creativity.
The ultimate notebook for digital nomads
I recently became a digital nomad. With this change in employment came an opportunity to try out a new system of notetaking. In the process of exploring notebooks, I discovered…
How solitude helps you be more creative
Solitude can help you be more creative. According to Edward Tufte, the father of data visualization, it's essential to seeing and perceiving the world around us more clearly - a…
Creativity: How thought experiments lead to spectacular insights
Thought experiments are a powerful ideation method used by creative luminaries like Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci to achieve some of their most stunning breakthroughs. Here's how you can…
10 ways to dramatically increase your creativity in 2015
One of the best ways to advance your career in 2015 is to become more creative. Becoming known as an idea person is an awesome way to differentiate yourself and…
Welcome to the Creative Age – are you ready?
We're living in the Creative Age, where ideas are the coin of the realm. Are you prepared to leverage the opportunities it can bring your way?
Creativity: How to profit from other peoples’ ideas (without stealing them)
If you need new ideas to solve a problem or challenge, you have many brainstorming techniques you can use. But one of the most productive ways is to adapt a…