How to “punch above your weight”
To succeed today, you need to punch above your weight. In other words, you need to think and perform at a level that is well beyond what your job title…
Wanted: Your review of Up Your Impact
If you read the new Kindle version of Up Your Impact and enjoyed it, please do me a favor and post a review of it to the book's page on…
New Kindle edition of Up Your Impact is off to a flying start
Last week, I launched a new Kindle edition of Up Your Impact: 52 Innovative Strategies to Add Value to Your Work, which makes this valuable personal and professional development book…
Shape your ideas to make a bigger impact with this powerful new book
Make Your Idea Matter: Stand Out With a Better Story by Bernadette Jiwa is a marvelous book that has extended my knowledge in a key area and has inspired me…
So you think your job is safe? Guess again!
So you think your job is "safe?" With all of the uncertainty surrounding us, no one is really safe, as a talented friend of mine recently discovered.
10 ways to see “hidden” opportunities
How can you increase your odds of being able to see the opportunities that are hiding right in front of you? Here are 10 strategies to help you remove your…
Are you a commodity?
How can you tell if you have become a commodity - a "me-too" worker who is indistinguishable from your peers? More importantly, what steps can you take to become a…
The parable of the farmer and the two strangers
This parable helps us understand how our attitude affects our outlook on life, the people around us and our work.
16 powerful ways to brainstorm with mind maps
Mind maps are widely viewed as a powerful tool for generating, capturing and organizing your ideas. But very little has been published that explains specifically the myriad of ways in…
4 reasons playing it safe is madness
It's not possible to lay low, just do what you're told in your work and try to wait out the downturn. If you're trying to do so, you may be…