A personal SWOT assessment

In times of great uncertainty, you can’t just take your job security for granted and just assume you’re going to be okay. This is an excellent time to take inventory of yourself. It’s time for a SWOT assessment.

SWOT, which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, is a simple, easy to use assessment tool that is frequently used by companies as part of their strategic planning processes. But you can also use it to identify and maximize your strengths and capitalize on opportunities, as well as identify and counteract any emerging threats and weaknesses that could have a negative impact on your job security.

Why assess yourself?

Times are still very tough. Companies big and small continue to announce downsizings and layoffs as they try to survive today’s turbulent economy. Entire divisions get sold or shut down. Companies go bankrupt or can’t grow because of government anti-business policies. Scandals and ill-considered acquisitions destroy investor confidence, weakening firms beyond repair. Just look at today’s news headlines.

When bad things happen, it’s almost always the workers who suffer.

Think you’re safe? Chances are, you’re not. You see, companies tend to handle layoffs with a meat axe, not a scalpel. When it comes time to reduce head count, they jettison anyone who isn’t creating enough value. Do you know where you stand in terms of your job security?

Increase your odds of survival

By analyzing your career from 4 perspectives now using the SWOT framework, you can increase your odds of survival during these uncertain times. SWOT analyses are typically done in a 4-quadrant grid. But there are some real advantages to using mind mapping software to think through all four areas. Here’s what I mean:

  • This visual format makes it easy to see each aspect of your career in the context of each other
  • Once you’ve selected weaknesses to correct and opportunities to capitalize upon, you can brainstorm solutions in detail, and can draw attention to key action steps you plan to begin working on immediately using different topic shapes, color and icons.
  • You can easily create links to relevant documents, web pages and even other mind maps – say, for example, a professional education plan or a list links to websites of key networking groups in your area
  • You can use it as a “living document,” turning map topics into tasks and using the software to manage simple projects within the program’s powerful visual interface

Increase your job security with this simple tool

I have created a SWOT mind map template that you can use to analyze your career. It contains 80 questions that will get you thinking about the characteristics that can propel you forward, as well as those that may be holding you back. You can pick a handful of questions that apply to you and begin brainstorming about them immediately.

The template is available in formats for many of the most popular mind mapping software programs – plus PDF, if you don’t own one of them. I also recommend several free or low-cost software programs, which you can use to work on your SWOT brainstorming process.

I have previously only made this template available to Insider members on my Mind Mapping Software Blog. But now, for a limited time, I’m offering it to you, because you’re a fan of my book, Up Your Impact.

No one likes to be blindsided by an unexpected job loss. Why not give yourself a fighting chance for job stability? Invest in the SWOT mind map template today!


Questions? Please contact Chuck Frey at chuck <> upyourimpact <> com.

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