give your ideas room to growTo capture ideas, it’s smart to carry an “idea journal” with you. Here’s a savvy tip to get bigger and better ideas out of it.

Typically, I will record lists of related ideas in bulleted form on one page of my journal, a Moleskine notebook. But according to creativity expert and author Ed Bernacki, you need to give your fledgling ideas enough room to grow. That’s why he recommends only recording one idea per page.

He compares an idea to a painting. Over a period of days or weeks, the artist focuses all of his or her creativity on the canvas, adding color, texture, detail and nuance to it. It’s a gradual process, which relies heavily on one’s creative “flow.” Some artists, he says, work on several pieces at one time, moving between canvases depending upon where their energies and creativity are flowing at the moment. And so it is with ideas:

“Consider each page as a working canvas for one idea. Move between ideas until one is ready, then act!”

He appears to be suggesting an approach that I had never really thought about: Record one idea per page in your journal, capturing any details on paper that are in your mind at the time. Then, return to it days or weeks later to review it. You then have an opportunity to look upon each idea with fresh eyes, and add more color, detail and nuance to those that inspire you, much like an artist does. And because you have only recorded one idea per page, you have plenty of room to record these additional thoughts and insights. That’s an important distinction!

So how do you record your ideas? Do they have enough room to grow and develop? Do you have a system for reviewing and nurturing them on a regular basis? If not, now is the time to improve your idea collection and review process, so it can deliver bigger and better results for you!

This article was originally published on

3 thoughts on “When using an idea journal, give your ideas room to grow”
  1. Chuck, I've started doing something like this. I use blank index cards, and my (custom-made) index card carrier has multiple pockets. An idea goes down, I put the card into the pocket labeled DVLP — these are the ideas under development. I'll play with them later, and by the time I use both sides of the card the idea is more or less matured.

  2. Hi Chuck, thanks for reminding me that my mind needs space to reflect, develop and grow and the idea of "one idea per page" is a great way to achieve this. Combining this with using different coloured pens to record different aspects of the developing idea will also let the mind visually see which areas are being focused on and which are missing.

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