average vs. exceptional

Why be average when you can be exceptional?

There are many more average people in the world than exceptional ones. It has been that way for a very long time.

Average is the norm. People are herd-like creatures who like to stick together. They tend to dress alike, act alike, watch the same TV shows and cheer for the same sports teams. This type of behavior is deeply rooted in the human psyche.

Exceptional people, who rise above the norm to make a bigger impact, are comparatively rare.

The strange thing is that success is available to almost anyone, as long as you have the determination, discipline and creativity to make it happen. It’s just that so few people ever make that decision. It’s hard work. You must decide how you’re going to break from the norm and do something different – something of great value. But different scares people. They don’t understand your idea, so they tend to discourage you. They tell you to get back in line with everyone else. Be average. Don’t take risks. Conform.

Be exceptional

But you’re not an average person. You are destined to be exceptional.

That’s where all of the fun, fulfillment and “juice” of living is. It’s where cool projects happen, where you get to serve others at a higher level and where bigger and better opportunities are visible. It’s where you can make a bigger impact – where you can “make a dent in the world,” as the late Steve Jobs liked to say.

The time has never been better to make a difference. To make an impact. To be exceptional!

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