Ultimate SCAMPER list – over 200 prompts for divergent brainstorming

Ultimate SCAMPER brainstorming list

Welcome to the Ultimate SCAMPER brainstorming list – with over 200 creative prompts to help you generate an incredible diversity of ideas.

SCAMPER is one of the most widely used and successful brainstorming techniques ever. Its name is a mnemonic for:

  • Substitute,
  • Combine,
  • Adapt,
  • Modify, Magnify or Minify,
  • Put to other uses,
  • Eliminate and
  • Reverse or Rearrange.

It’s powerful because it forces you to look at creative challenges from a variety of perspectives. In the process, it whacks you out of your usual, rutted mode of thinking.

Here’s how it works:

Start by clearly defining your challenge or problem to be solved. Then pick any letter from the SCAMPER abbreviation and start brainstorming.

If you do a Google search for SCAMPER, you’ll find a number of references to it. But each one only contains a handful of keywords. I’ve compiled the ultimate list of creative prompts, which you can use to lead your thinking in new directions and inspire new ideas and solutions.

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