
How to reach beyond your comfort zone to achieve the success you deserve.

Nothing is more exciting to me than stumbling across profound ideas about success, expressed in a unique way. Such was the case when I read Jeanne King’s thought-provoking blog post, What’s the Circumference of Your Life?

It got me thinking about the unintentional limits we mentally give ourselves, and how that limits our success. What if you could reprogram your mind to throw off these limitations and imagine bigger goals and challenges?

Your success lies beyond your comfort zone – the current circumference of your life. It turns out that the old adage, “If you keep doing the same old things, you’re going to get the same results” is abundantly true. The same inputs yield the same outputs – in exact proportion.

Reframing limits and success

The profound beauty of Jeanne’s blog post was that it helped me reframe the circumference of my life not as a barrier, but as a starting line, a jumping-off point to imagine bigger, more creative possibilities, ideas, opportunities – and success. Because, you see, it’s not necessarily a limit, unless we give it power to become on in our mind. The way Jeanne views the circumference of her life blew me away:

“It can either be a border behind which we must remain, or a threshold over which we must cross, again and again, to experience the miraculous.”

As she implies, the miraculous is always there, just beyond your reach, patiently waiting for you to take the first step. Most of us never do, because we’re too busy surviving, day to day, within our habit-centered comfort zone. We’re content, if more than a little bit bored. We “feel” safe, and so we put success in the back of our minds – because growth and change could mean greater risks and uncertainty.

However, the magic won’t begin to happen until you reach beyond your comfort zone, seeking opportunities to expand your thinking, learning and capabilities beyond the norm. To expand what’s possible for you, you must be intentional and disciplined in your approach. You need a plan to expand your habit and your inputs.

Expand your success – get started now!

Here are 10 ways you can start expanding the circumference of YOUR life and enjoying greater success – today!

  1. Take a class – learn something new
  2. Read a book designed to challenge your current thinking
  3. Listen to podcasts
  4. Find a new mentor to challenge and expand your thinking
  5. Attend a conference
  6. Expand your network
  7. Learn creative problem solving skills
  8. Seek out new inputs and experiences – traveling to somewhere new to you is a great way to do so. Become an explorer. Leave the beaten path. Have an adventure.
  9. Map out your limitations and limiting thoughts, and brainstorm more empowering substitutes
  10. Create a vision board to bring your goals to life


Realize that the current level of success is largely self-imposed – in other words, it’s limited by the ways you think.

Instead of viewing the circumference of your life as a fence that circumscribes and limits your capabilities, why not view it as a starting line, a place from which you can launch yourself into new possibilities and opportunities?

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