Do something significant
It’s easy to forget that in order to achieve the success and the attention you believe you deserve, you need to stand out. Do something exceptional. Make the winning play for your firm.

“Do you wanna hear the cheers of the crowd? Do you want everyone to be high-fiving you in the hallways on Monday morning, singing your praises? Do you want to hold court with the prettiest girls in school? Then do something significant!”

This kind of pep talk has taken place before many big high school games. Doing something exceptional is a sure-fire way to get attention and fame in high school.

Turn in an amazing performance that has everyone saying, “Wow!!”

Give 110% of yourself to the game.

Make the winning play.

When it comes to success, some things never change

When you become an adult and try to make your way in a noisy, often disorganized workplace, your boss and the executives above him or her can easily take you for granted. You are, after all, just another producer, churning out projects with quiet efficiency. You’re a cog in the machine, dutifully following orders and never making trouble. You get satisfied just phoning it in, day after day.

There’s only one problem: That’s not enough any more to be successful.

It’s easy to forget that in order to achieve the success and the attention you believe you deserve, you need to stand out.

Do something significant.

Something creative.

Something that makes “the winning play.”

So what’s your plan to up your impact?

If you’re looking for inspiration and a collection of proven strategies to get noticed, grow your influence and become more successful, you’re in luck – because that’s the focus of my book, Up Your Impact: 52 Innovative Strategies to Add Value to Your Work.

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