Creativity Hacks

The new 2nd edition of my popular book, Creativity Hacks: Shortcuts to Help You Crush Your Challenges & Live a Kick-A** Life, contains over 100 new pages of tips, techniques and resources to help you court your next Big Idea.

Here are 10 don’t-miss resources, new to this edition, that will help you kick-start your creativity, leap over roadblocks and generate exceptionally valuable ideas and insights to improve your work and life:

  1. Brilliant but little-known techniques to help you generate your next Big Idea.
  2. New brainstorming tool reviews – learn about innovative card decks and other hand-held tools that can help you jump-start your creativity in fresh, new directions – on demand
  3. How to use smartphones and tablets for any time, anywhere idea capture.
  4. How to unlock your creativity with visual thinking (the importance of it has grown tremendously in the last 3 years)
  5. Clever strategies to leverage your social media channels to inspire your thinking.
  6. Ingenious mobile apps that will kick-start your muse and help you generate breakthrough ideas (this area has exploded since I wrote the first edition!)
  7. All-new tools to help you manage, evaluate and implement your ideas.
  8. The best new creative problem-solving resources
  9. Reviews of the most notable new creativity books (new voices and perspectives you need to know about)
  10. A cornucopia of ideas, insights, techniques and resources that can help you become the Idea Person at work!

Creativity Hacks will inspire you to explore in new places, to make new connections, to dig deeper and discover new insights. It will help you to seek out new knowledge and sources of inspiration – so you can profit from the opportunities that are all around you.

Just imagine how valuable the ideas you create with these tools and techniques could be!

Click here to learn more and invest in Creativity Hacks

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